Pressing Procrastination and How to Get Rid of It.

How many times have you sat behind your computer, knowing that you have work to get done but instead, you open up Netflix, and before you know it you’ve watched an entire movie and gotten no work done?

I know I have. I’ll know very well that I have a lot of work to get done but somehow, that work doesn’t get done and I stress myself out about it the night before.

With the distraction of social media and other apps, it’s SO easy to get distracted. It doesn’t help that Netflix takes less than 30 seconds to load my favorite show. Maybe if it took longer, I’d get my work done. Haha.

So, how do you really combat this procrastination?


Guys. I know that sometimes we hate it but sometimes I’ve got to lock my phone away. Lock it in a closet or put it out of arms reach. That way I’m less likely to reach for it when I get tired of doing work. I can’t tell you how many times I get annoyed with some homework I’m doing, so I grab my phone and open up Instagram or TikTok. And before I know it, I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole. Guys, tip one. Sometimes, the phone’s gotta go. Far away and really try to dedicate yourself to at least half an hour of work. Even if you hear text messages, sometimes it’s okay to let that person know that you’re trying to get some work done and you’ll get back to them as soon as you can. Prioritize.


It’s really important to take breaks, especially now that a lot of us are online. Our eyes need a break from the harsh light of the computer/ cellphone screens. Sometimes, I can push myself to work for an hour but I usually don’t do more than that. During break time, I take a rest from the computer screen. I usually grab a snack and get a drink. Maybe reorganize my workspace. If my desk is a mess, I have to stop what I’m doing, organize it, and then get back to work. It’s just something about working in a messy space that disrupts my focus. So, take a few minutes to round up those loose papers, put away books you’re not using, and get back to work. You’ll feel much more prepared to get started again.


Try a change in location. Maybe go outside, a different room, sometimes sitting on the floor is better because you can spread out more. Typically I don’t like to work outside because, well now it’s cold, and before it was too hot. The bugs- it was always something so I usually stay indoors. Haha. But definitely find that sacred space where you can get your work done. It doesn’t have to be the quietest but if it works for you- it works!


Music is my go-to when I’m doing my work. Depending on my mood, I open up Spotify and I listen to instrumental music. Sometimes, music with words interrupts my focus. There’s a “focus” section of Spotify and there are a bunch of different playlists to chose from. The Lo-fi Beats are usually what I like the best. Not to slow and not too fast. Especially if it’s late at night, I need something to keep me up. However, everybody is different! Browse those playlists on Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music, or whatever it is that you use and find what works for you.


Setting aside a time that’s just for you to do work is really important. You’ve got to find the times when you work best and use it wisely. Me? I like to work at night or late evenings. It’s quieter and there are fewer distractions so that’s when I do my best work. However, I usually get tired so music is definitely something that helps me out a lot. Taking time to figure out when you work best is really helpful because then you can plan out work accordingly. Getting a planner is something that I recommend so that you can keep track of all your assignments, meetings, work, and things like that. Keeping a planner takes a load of stress off of your mind so that you don’t have to struggle to remember anything. Some people like to use their phones for scheduling, and there are also planner apps that are good for phones. However, stuff gets deleted all the time so going old school and writing it down works just as well!


One of the number one rules for Procrastination. Don’t leave things for the last minute. That’s what procrastination is, right? Leaving things for the very last second even though you had all this time to do it before. Haha. Those of us who do it, regret it every-single-time. “Why didn’t I do this earlier,” “I should’ve done this yesterday,” and my favorite, “I don’t know why I left this for the last minute.” YOU are better than that and you can do amazing work by not leaving things for the last minute. Are you going to stop leaving things for the last minute overnight? Nope. It’ll probably take a well. Like everything, it’s a process. Trust the process.

Well, guys! This concludes my tips on how NOT to procrastinate. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope it helps you if you suffer from procrastinating too often. Take a look at these tips and pick a few that you want to try out. Heck, try them all!

I’ll see you soon folks! As always-


One Comment

  • Lisa

    I love the tips. Great ideas. I should try some, but right now I’m actively procrastinating. Haha. Seriously, I will definitely try some of these tips.