Learning to Be Happy from Within

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are doing well.

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. There’s been so much going on lately and I’ve found it hard to sit down on at my computer and write.

I guess I’ve been having a lot of writers block lately. there’s so much happening in the world, it feels almost trivial to write my blog when there are so many things I should be devoting my time too.

The past few weeks, I’ve been debating whether I should publish a blog post because I’m not sure whether it would be insensitive to everything going on, you know? There are so many important things going on and honestly sometimes, I’d rather focus on that then my blog.

Being that we’re living in such uncertain times, I want to be as knowledgable about everything as I possibly can. I also realize that while being knowledgable is good, it also takes a toll on mental health.

It’s like everything going on, whether it be our current Pandemic, politics, natural disasters, and more suddenly become something that is forever present in your mind.

Personally, I become very emotional about these things… and sitting down at my computer is often to no avail because I have so many things I’m worried about.

But I also realize that in a world where there is so much uncertainty, happiness is also important.

It seems like bad things keep happening in an endless loop and I think that it’s important, now more than ever, to take our minds off of it and just breathe.

Even if it’s for a tiny moment.

Once I came to this realization, it came a bit easier to write my blog. Writing my blog is where I can find my little bit of happiness and I hope that you guys feel the same way.

Although the new year has been off to a rough start, I’m hoping that I- well all of us can find a bit of happiness despite everything going on.

Last year was rough and I often find myself focusing on the things I’ve lost- whether it be a relationship, something valuable to me, or someone valuable to me… but I don’t focus on everything I’ve gained, like strength, confidence, and more.

I’ve made a few goals for myself this year and one of them is to definitely write more, to do things that make me happy and stop settling for situations that make me unhappy.

There are so many things in the world that can make you feel like absolutely nothing, put you down, and take you for granted but I’ve learned that those things don’t matter. In fact, I learned that last year, more than anything.

The only thing that can make you happy is you and once you learn that- no matter how hard it may be- you have all the power and no one can take that away from you.

I know this post is a bit more sentimental, haha, but I just needed to get that off my chest, you know?

Being a writer, I function based off of inspiration and emotion and sometimes the best way to write, is to step back, take a deep breath, and start again.

So remember, breath in, breathe out, and just… begin.



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